(including derma-planing, peels & microdermabrasion)
-Don’t put any products on your skin until the following day, apart from an SPF moisturiser if needed.
-Avoid direct sunlight until the following day
-Avoid prolonged sun exposure (sunbeds/sunbathing) for 5 days
-Do not have any facial waxing, threading or bleaching treatments for at least 48hrs
-Some redness is normal for up to 24hrs, if you experience excessive redness or prolonged redness please get in contact with us
-Don’t have any other facial treatments for 24hrs and invasive facial treatments such as peels/Microdermabrasion/dermaplaning for at least 1 week
-To achieve long lasting treatment effects; cleanse, tone & moisturise daily. Use an SPF everyday. Exfoliate once a week. Drink 2 litres of water a day and avoid caffeine, alcohol & smoking
Nail Extensions and Gel Polish
-Apply cuticle oil morning and night
-Don’t use your nails as tools (to pick things, open things or type etc)
-Return for infills every 2-3 weeks
-If you are not used to your nails being long be very careful when opening doors etc that you don’t bang them
-Wear gloves when washing up, doing house work and gardening
-If a false nail comes off do not stick it back on as this can cause bacteria to build up underneath, which may prevent you from having further nail treatments
-Get your nails removed professionally and do not pull them off, nail extensions or gel polish will not damage your natural nails but pulling them off will
-Please get in touch straight away if you experience any redness or swelling around the nails
Eyelash Extensions
-Do not touch or get your lashes wet for 24hrs after having them applied, as the glue is still setting
-Do not apply mascara
-Be careful when using eyeliner not to get any on the lashes, especially liquid oil based ones
-Keep anything oily away from your lashes including makeup remover, wipes, shampoo
-Lashes should be cleaned daily with water, baby shampoo can also be used
-Do not pick or rub at your lashes as your natural lashes will get damaged
-Please return for professional removal, eyelash extensions will not damage your lashes but pulling them off instead of having them removed will
-Even after having a patch test or having lashes applied often, you can still develop an allergic reaction at any time, you must inform us immediately if you experience redness, swelling or itching. Allergic reactions will get worse each time you are exposed to the product you are allergic to so it is very important you don’t ignore a minor reaction.
-Get your lashes infilled every 2-3 weeks to keep them looking full
-Book the correct amount of time for your infill appointment, you’ll need more than half a set remaining for a 30min mini infill and more than quarter of a set for a normal 45min infill. If you have none or a couple of lashes left this is not an infill and you will need to book a full set. Russian Volume lashes require a 45min infill minimum
-Do not touch the area until the following day as bacteria from your hands can get into the open pores
-Keep the area cool until the redness has subsided
-Do not sunbath or go on a sunbed for at least 48hrs
-Do not have a hot bath, sauna, steam room or exercise until the follow day
-Redness and slight rash, depending on skin type, is normal for up to 24hrs, please get in touch if you experience excessive redness or prolonged redness/rash
-Do not use any products on the area until the following day
-In-between treatments exfoliate the area to help reduce ingrowing hairs